Yanderu Toki Ni Utau Uta (SINGLE)
01-Yanderu Toki ni Utau Uta
R.I.P: Piyo (Yoshiaki Yamada) from Gakido 我羇道.

Rest in peace, Piyo (Yoshiaki Yamada).
For those who don't know, Gakido was involved in a very serious car accident on 12 February, on their way to Nagoya from Osaka. Yohya and Yuu got minor injuries. Rito was injured on the right side of his body and had to get stitches on his head. Shuutaro was thrown out of the vehicle and had 3 stitches on his side. Tossy was injured all over and remains hospitalised.
Piyo was thrown out of the vehicle and suffered a blow to his head, which resulted in instant death. He didn't die in much pain.
He's only 28 years old. His last blog post was just half an hour plus before his death. His last blog post was posted on 8.45am. The accident happened at 9.20am.
Injuries of the band members:
When the van rolled on it’s side, it threw him out of the vehicle, and when his head impacted the ground, it seemed he died instantly. However, they did take him to the hospital straight away, even trying to revive him. Unfortunately he was unable to be revived. Piyo took his final breath around 11AM that morning.
When the van turned on it’s side, he was caught between the car’s frame and the street causing severe injuries. According to the hospital, he currently has a fractured shoulder-blade, orbital fracture, a head contusion, a gash on his forehead, and bruises all over his legs.
Fortunately he can now walk on his own, and is able to eat on his own. His life is not in any danger.
When the van had turned, his entire body was thrown around, causing him to need three stitches in his side.
He had to receive stitches on his head, as well as his left and right side due to the impact.
Both of his hands were lacerated, he also took a rough blow to his lower back.
Both of his knees have been lacerated. His back and legs have been hit pretty badly as well.

The van:
Lives in February are all cancelled. Updates on whether the band would continue would be posted in their OHP and sent via mail magazine.
Credits to: Shattered Tranquility & NEU MANIA.
First of all, they’ll put out a new maxi-single entitled 「もう泣かないと空に誓った日」(Mou Nakanai to Sora ni Chikatta Hi). It will go on sale on the 4th of August and it will also be their first country-wide release. The tracklist is as follows:
1. もう泣かないと空に誓った日 (Mou Nakanai to Sora ni Chikatta Hi)
2. more than words
3. Liz Riot〜圧倒的暴走〜 (Liz Riot〜Attouteki Bousou〜)
1. もう泣かないと空に誓った日 PV (Mou Nakanai to Sora ni Chikatta Hi)
Furthermore, they’ll have a coupling tour together with MoNoLith under the name 「天邪鬼」(Amanojaku). The dates and venues are:
July 23rd @ SHIBUYA BOXX
July 29th @ Shinsaibashi FAN J
July 30th @ Nagoya CLUB QUATTRO
August 6th @ Niigata CLUB JUNKBOX mini
August 9th @ HOOK SENDAI
August 20th @ Ikebukuro BlackHole (2man Tour Final)
Finally, they have totally renewed their OHP, so make sure to check it out, mainly the new profile pictures, since we have already posted the new band pic above.